if things aren't "not fun" enough in the Barron household of sickness.......last night we almost ended up in the Emergency Room. I was taking a little snooze on the couch because I really was feeling horrible and was awakened after about 15 minutes to Ella telling me that she had a "boogie" in her nose and would I "get it". So I grabbed a kleenex with my eyes half-open and attempted to find the mystery booger. Well, no luck so I told her there wasn't any. At this time, she started crying and saying, "OW! OWEEEE!". I opened my eyes the rest of the way and took a look inside.....something bright white. I calmly (well, not really that calmly) asked her what was in her nose. She then started a tearful attempt at telling me that she had put a piece of paper in her nose when she was making invitations to her "fancy party".....(couldn't leave out that important detail in her time of panic).
She became hysterical and I had a flashback to my childhood....not a good one.....When I was Ella's age and my mom was in the shower, I was playing with some beads which I called "peeny balls" (don't know why so don't ask) and I decided to put one up my nose....great idea. I told my mom and she calmy (well, not really that calmly) asked me to "blow it out".....I was a brilliant child and did a huge sniff and up it went.....uh-oh. To the doctor we flew, and a large contraption was inserted to grab it out.....not fun.
Back to last night.....Paul and I were both trying to get Ella to calm down with no luck at all. She was absolutely hysterical. I was trying the nasal aspirator (both manual and battery operated) luck and Ella was determined with screams and wild movement to not even have me attempt to try the this point, there was a lot of sweating going on. Alot of sweating....Ella looked like she had been dunked in the bathtub. We made a call to the neighbor to see if he could come help hold her down so we could extract it and he wasn't home. I finally had her sitting on my lap and was telling her to close her eyes....and by some miracle, I had a moment of time to put the tweezers up with her holding still and out come a HUGE bigger than a kidney bean piece of paper. RELIEF for all.......
Ella put her arms around me and gave me the biggest hug and told me she loved me and thanked me over and over for getting the paper out of her nose. She was devastated and exhausted.......
I then had to make a phone call to my mom to tell her "like mother, like daughter" and apologize for the anguish I caused her so many years back......I can honestly and unfortunately now say...."I know how you felt"