This was the view from the road turning into our house
Snow capped mountains......

We stayed bundled inside our house......
Below you will see a photo of the 'Barron curse'........
it has effected Paul, Ella, and now Logan
(this is what happens......the tv is turned on, doesn't matter what show is on, and they lose all sense of hearing, etc......the only focus is the tv)
He does look adorable in his new chair....thanks grams and papa

And week later, we have all SUNSHINE and warmth!!!!
We have spent the last 3 days at the park enjoying every moment of it!
Logan and Ella LOVE the trek to the park in the bike trailer......
Logan has discovered the joy of sand and was quite a mess today......he also loves to slide with mommy
Ella makes new friends with everyone she comes in contact with and is the social director of the park! She has become quite the climber and conquers everything on the playground!
After the afternoon naps, we head back outside for Ella to ride her scooter and Logan enjoys being pulled around in the wagon......
below are some pics of our playtime outside.....
Logan is always happy as long as he has a snack in hand!

This is my favorite pic of Logan below.....
I can't believe it was 85 degrees today......just crazy!
It's a good thing I stocked up on sunscreen a few weeks back, we used alot this week!