Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a 'daddy'
(love that who, don't know)
Anyway, we had a special morning planned for Paul who is a fabulous daddy!
Ella was super cute as she came downstairs this morning, ran over to Paul, and exclaimed, "Happy Father's Day Daddy!"
The kiddos presented daddy with his gifts and cute cards......

Ella couldn't wait to give him the shirt she picked out.
Of course, while opening gifts the World Cup was on our tv......Ella said to Paul, "so daddy, I picked out his shirt because I know you LOVE scooby-doo and love when we watch it together. You like it even more than soccer, right daddy?"
Paul says, "yes" (without thinking)
Then Ella quickly says, "well than change the channel daddy!"

I had been waiting to give Paul his special gift that I ordered weeks ago.....a necklace with 3 sterling silver bars. One says 'daddy', the other 'ella' with her birthdate on the back, and the other 'logan' with his birthdate on the back

I made fruit salad for the kiddos and breakfast burritos for Paul......

Ella enjoyed her GIANT strawberry

A little rest time on the couch to watch 'Scooby-doo' while the kiddos had a snack

After Logan's nap, we headed to Kenny and Renee's for dinner......
Logan proudly wore his "I love Grandpa" shirt.....he loves his Papa

Auntie Suz took Ella for a quick trip to the mall to get her pink flamingo at Build-a bear that she somehow convinced Suz she was super cute! Her name is Flower.

Logan LOVED the newest addition to their house! A slot machine! he is READY for VEGAS!


Too bad we had to give the quarters back :0(

My cute boy!

We are taking my dad to the circus with us next week but the kids also made something special for him......a canvas

They worked hard on it and were excited to give it to Papa

Ella posing in her special shirt for today!

Happy Father's Day to two FANTASTIC dads!

Happy Father's Day to my father in law aka Muntz! Wish you could have been here today!