We are working on potty training and this little guy isn't about to even begin to think about 'pooping in the potty'.....but we are working on it with bribes in place.
The Yogi Bear movie and now a new Batman toy sit on the counter, just waiting.....
Well, last night I was in the bathroom with Logan 'cheering' him on and he let out a big 'toot'....
He thought this was hilarious and thought it was even funnier that I commented on how 'stinky' it was.
When we came out of the bathroom (no poop)....Ella says, "Logan, I heard that toot and I smelled it. It smelled like OLD BEEF!"

This morning as we were getting ready for preschool, I sang Ella a little song.
Good morning, good morning, good morning my El
You are SO cute but your toes STINKY SMELL!
Good morning, good morning, good morning mommy dear
You smell like applesauce and a BEER!
I tell ya, this gal keeps me laughing!!!