Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day....muddy style!

A few months ago, I saw the Gladiator Rock n' Run advertised and thought it looked like a great way to spend St.Patrick's Day.....

Luckily, I recruited two others to join me today....

This first photo is an 'after' photo but I can't get it to cooperate and move down further where it belongs....

This is Kelli and I after jumping over the fire and making it to the finish line!

This photo is in the truck on the way to the event....we are ready!!!
And then as we pulled into the park, we see this mountain and 'oh look' at all the people running up it! Yep!!! The first part of the race was making it up this beast....on the second steep part, a bug flew in my nostril and proceeded to start biting me IN my eyes were watering and after a struggle, I finally either killed it or got it out! We were tutu'd and tatted for the event The three of us before heading to the starting line... Amy and I
After the is amazing that we 'look' so clean in this photo after just having crawled through mud! Post race... The greatest mud drip of all....straight down my forehead... Love this photo!!!

It was a 5k (but I really think it was longer) that took us up mountains, down mountains, through tires, we had to carry 40lb bags of sand, crawl under cargo nets, go through ICE water, climb over hay bales, get in and out of three dumpsters that progressively got bigger (not an easy task!!), climb up cargo nets, climb over giant spools, crawl through a dark tunnel so small you could only use your elbows to move you, crawl through mud, run through mud, scale a wall, and jump over was AWESOME and I am proud to say I did it!!! WOO-HOO! And we did meet Nitro, from the show American Gladiators, who gave us a push on the bum to get over the giant wall at the end!

Can't wait for next year!!!

Field Trip

In preparation for Ella's class trip to the zoo, the kids were assigned an animal to research, draw a picture of, and write some sentences about. Ella got a kangaroo and we learned alot about them... She is such a great artist....

Then the BIG day arrived and it was time for the zoo! The kids rode the bus and the parents carpooled down to meet them. It was a beautiful day...the weather was perfect!
The giraffes are always fun to visit....

We had the alphabet challenge....trying to see if we could find something that started with every letter of the alphabet...Ella is writing her 'R' animal

The new reptile building is fantastic....The gators are great!

We loved the heart shaped nose on this guy!

Ella x2....her best buddy

Ella's favorite animal at the zoo....the flamingos!

And after lunch and visiting the aquarium, we had to find the kangaroos!!!

Such a fun day and so happy I was able to go!


While driving Ella to school one day, she asked me, "mommy, what's a chewuff?"

My response, "a what?!?"

"A chewuff....mommy, you know, like 'on the first day of Christmas my chewuff gave to me"

Gotta love this kid!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


This past week, in honor of Dr.Seuss' Birthday, Ella's school had a pajama party....

The kids were SUPER excited!!!

They were several activites including put the green eggs on the ham....

If you look closely in this first photo, you can see that Logan got it RIGHT on the mark...and he was blindfolded when he did it...

Movie.....popcorn, cookies, and hot chocolate....a perfect Friday night

He asked me to take this photo of him and 'pal'

Having fun!!!!

This was Ella's hat that she made at school....quite a good little artist she is....

The Dentist...

It was time for a check of Logan's chompers...

He wasn't so sure but was SO cooperative!

He did excellent with the x-rays but later told me, "mommy, that ghoul (how he says girl) choked me"
Waiting to see what's next....

He didn't want to wear the glasses but liked holding them....

Sparkling teeth....after the strawberry toothpaste...

His new squishie that he picked out of the treasure chest...

Are you kidding me??? Someone else has to look at my teeth????

So proud of my boy!


Remember how I mentioned that Logan likes to do everything 'like Ella'....well, his interest in art is starting to peak and he has been painting alot lately....

Ella is quite the artist....

We went to her school a couple of weeks ago for the art show, the start of the spring book fair, and a movie in the courtyard....

We were all so excited to find a ribbon on her artwork!

This is her second ribbon for art this year....

We had a great time shopping at the book fair and Ella loved learning a hula dance prior to watching 'Lilo and Stitch'.....I love that her school has fun family events....
The kids were worn out!


Ella loves to learn and she LOVES to teach her brother....

She in very encouraging and always says, "GOOD JOB LOGAN!"

Logan LOVES to teach Ella and do exactly what she is doing....

Too bad, he can't quite keep her interest...