A few months ago, I saw the Gladiator Rock n' Run advertised and thought it looked like a great way to spend St.Patrick's Day.....
Luckily, I recruited two others to join me today....
This first photo is an 'after' photo but I can't get it to cooperate and move down further where it belongs....
This is Kelli and I after jumping over the fire and making it to the finish line!
This photo is in the truck on the way to the event....we are ready!!!
And then as we pulled into the park, we see this mountain and 'oh look' at all the people running up it! Yep!!! The first part of the race was making it up this beast....on the second steep part, a bug flew in my nostril and proceeded to start biting me IN my nose....my eyes were watering and after a struggle, I finally either killed it or got it out! We were tutu'd and tatted for the event The three of us before heading to the starting line... Amy and I
It was a 5k (but I really think it was longer) that took us up mountains, down mountains, through tires, we had to carry 40lb bags of sand, crawl under cargo nets, go through ICE water, climb over hay bales, get in and out of three dumpsters that progressively got bigger (not an easy task!!), climb up cargo nets, climb over giant spools, crawl through a dark tunnel so small you could only use your elbows to move you, crawl through mud, run through mud, scale a wall, and jump over fire...it was AWESOME and I am proud to say I did it!!! WOO-HOO! And we did meet Nitro, from the show American Gladiators, who gave us a push on the bum to get over the giant wall at the end!
Can't wait for next year!!!