Saturday, January 10, 2009

Oh No.......look at Ella's role models

Uncle Pat and Daddy LOVE Beyonce's song "All the Single Ladies" and were listening to it and dancing with Ella. Ella loves to shake her bum-bum and claims that "Grammie taught me. Grammie shakes her bum-bums. You've seen the pictures".....that is what Ella says. Grammie thought that was pretty funny and denied it completely :-)

I found myself singing the song and asked Ella "If you like it so much ....." and Ella replied "you put a donkey on it" SO fUNNY!


Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!! I think she got her moves from her Daddy!!! I love that song!

Anonymous said...

How cute is that!!!! So precious! Treasure those moments, they grow up so fast!