One of the things I dread is switching from nice smooth pureed food to food with chunks and finger foods. The reason I dread this........the GAG! It petrifies me to see my kids gag. I immediately feel like they are going into full blown choking and that I am going to have to save them. I know....I am a nurse....a pediatric nurse, but when I am not at work, I am mommy. So that is my little bit about this process and why it scares me and I dread it.
We bought some puffs last week and Paul (also scared of the gag) put them away and didn't want to give him any the other day.....
Today, I felt brave. It was just me and Logan (Ella is with grammie) and he was bored..... I put him in his highchair while I was paying bills and he was ready for the challenge. He mastered it quite quickly and I am so very happy to report.......with absolutely no GAGS!
I had to post lots of pics because I was soooo proud of my little guy! He did great picking up the little puffs and putting them right where they belong. He is also doing great with the sippy cup.
Yippeeeee for Logan!
"Hey, what's that?''
What a big boy!!!! Good job Logan!
It's great when they master new tasks- way to go Logan!!!
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