.......Wanted to write you a note on your first day of preschool to tell you how much mommy and daddy love you!
It seems like just yesterday it was June 9, 2005 and we found out we were having a girl! We were so excited........you are so special! I can't believe that you are already old enough for preschool.
It was so cute talking to you last night in bed......you told me " I am excited but also a teensy weensy bit scared because I won't be able to see you mommy." I can say the feeling was mutual!
You have the biggest heart of anyone I know. You cry in every movie because you are so afraid that someone may get hurt by the 'bad guy'. You are so sensitive and make sure that everyone is 'okay' and taken care of . I hope you find some special friends at school that realize how lucky they are to call you their 'friend'.
Always know that just because you can't see mommy and daddy, we are still right there with you. You have our kiss on the palm of your hand telling you how much we love you whenever you need it!
I love you my sweet girl and am SO happy it is almost time to go pick you up! I can't wait to hear about your first day!