Friday, August 7, 2009

Almost the Big Day!

Ella is super excited to start school! I know she will do great!

We had a new family orientation BBQ last night and Ella got to meet her teacher and even met one of the little girls in her class. The family that sat at our table with us was from England so Paul had alot to talk about with them.....small world. It was so nice that they had that for us! I am looking forward to Ella's first school experience being a great one.

I can't believe my baby girl will be 4 in just a few months! Time goes by too quickly!


Anonymous said...

She will LOVE it! Brooke is so excited to get to play with her on the playground!!!

Shaw Family said...

Enjoy these beginning school years, they go by so fast. They are so much more fun before the homework comes. My first 3 are entering fifth, third, and first grade-boo hoo.