Happy Birthday Logan!
If there is one word that mommy would use to describe you it is 'sweet'....
As Ella would say, "you are the apple 'in' my eye"
I can't believe it has been a whole year with this little guy.....
I love his blue eyes......love them!
I love his big belly laugh that sounds like Santa.....
I love his new 'howling' noise.....
I love how when you hold him, he points where he wants to go.....
I love his shyness.....how he smiles at everyone and then cuddles in to hide....
I love how he delights in launching toys across the room from his playpen.....
I love how he still whispers to you when you rock him before he falls asleep.....
and I love more than anything else that I am HIS MOMMY!......

Logan LOVES to eat so his special day had to start off the right way...... After sleeping through the night (thank you god for that :0) he was treated to banana chocolate chip pancakes, pear, and bacon.......mmmmmmmm.....yumminess!

He got to open 2 presents from his sister....and one from his nannie and muntz. He wasn't quite sure about this, as you can tell by his expression.

Loving the computer from big sister Ella....now he might actually leave hers alone

A learning turtle....he delights in anything that makes sounds and plays music....thanks nannie and muntz

A click safari.....Ella has tried it out and gives it the 'thumbs up'......he likes the noises!

Had to put this one in here......Silly girl. She wasn't quite as happy about her choice to dress herself up like this when the stickers had to come off the lashes.....

Standing tall.....

This would be his newest expression.......goes along with the 'howling' noise....
Love this hat!

His first meal at the mall.....He was content while cramming bread, turkey, and cheese into those cheeks!

Mac and cheese for this cutie!

Trying out his new shoes in Stride Rite.....thank goodness we had his feet measured. I am used to the tiny feet of Ella....her first shoes were a size 3....this big guy got a size 5 wide today.

Had to take a pic of his cute new shoes.....Daddy loves the pumas and picked those out for Logan!
More pics of dinner to follow.......
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