Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 2

We had tried to get Logan to drink a little overnight, but he wanted nothing to do with that.....
So happy when he finally decided to have some juice.

He was a little playful and took a couple bites of a cracker.....

You can see the bulb of his drain sticking out from the top of his diaper.....all secure with tape and stitched in. His catheter was securely taped to his leg......his urine was really bloody and pink but started to clear by day 2. He could have pink/bloody urine for a week or two.

Preferred to play with the cracker and crush it.......lots of crumbs in the bed

He was a little puffball from all his IV fluid......

By the afternoon, he was playing with a cup, smiling, and enjoying his new toys.

Starting to act more like our Logan.....

My sweet boy!

Thanks to Jen for our visit and yummy chocolate chip cookes. Thanks to Chris for our visit and yummy Oregano's lunch. Paul headed home late afternoon the spend some time with Ella. I was a little nervous about being on my own, but thank goodness Uncle Pat came for a visit and then Megan brought me dinner. I was a prisoner in the room unless someone came to visit. I had to make sure my teeth were brushed and I had visited the bathroom before Megan left for the night. The bathroom I could use was down the hall and I couldn't leave Logan.
Logan and I were both exhausted.......I watched part of "The Biggest Loser" and we were both asleep before 9pm......even with the loud visitors of our roommate :0) It is not easy to share a cramped little hospital room!

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