Guess where Elfie was found was a sign of our upcoming adventure!

My friend Jen had the opportunity to review a great new North Pole Experience in Greer, AZ for her blog and luckily the cabin was big enough for Ella and I to tag along!!!! Upon getting there, we found that about 12 other people could have tagged along as well......the cabin was huge! We can't say thank you enough for allowing us to be a part of this fantastic trip!
It was all of the kids 1st time seeing snow and they were excited to say the least!
Ella sees snow out the window for the 1st time! In the gingerbread forest.....can u see the gingerbread man out there?

This was our only SCARY part of the trip........where'd the road go?

Upon safe arrival to our cabin, the little snow bunny made her appearance!

Snow cute!

The cabin was beautiful!

Even had a t.v. with satellite......see the husbands could have joined us :0)

The kids loved the upstairs.......

"mommy, look at all the snow!"

We quickly got the kids bundled and headed out to the winter wonderland.
Ella couldn't wait to make a snow angel
This is her 1st one EVER!

Pretty good!

The kids loved the snow and there was NO complaining about being cold

Trying to catch some snowflakes

Group effort!

Making snowballs.....

And throwing them!

Action shot

Me and my Ella

Jen with Brooke and Bradley

The spectacular snowman........
They are NOT easy to make, at all!

Was a cute little snowman

The kids were proud of their accomplishment

After changing clothes and reading some books with Nonna......the kids could always be found looking out the window and watching the snow.......too cute!

Soon after, we headed out to the real adventure.......the kids were invited to be amongst the first EVER allowed in Santa's workshop. Santa is running behind this year and his elves needed some help making toys......
1 comment:
DARLING! Love the tongues catching snowflake shots! Too cute!!! We need to exchange photos on a disc. Thanks for coming with us. We LOVED having you!
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