We were super excited to sleep in until 6:30ish last Wednesday......
although, I think Logan had me up about 6:15am if I remember correctly...
We showered, dressed, packed up the car, and off we went to our awaiting funtastic breakfast
with Mickey and his friends!
Mickey welcomed us as soon as we got there.
Logan LOVED him! He wanted down so he could chase after him....
Paul was odd man out in his non-Disney attire!
Ella was NOT a fan at first. Didn't like the claws.

Our little hoop-ster....
At last, came the fabulous Daisy!

A little wave to our sweet little boy.....
And another chance to see Minnie......life is good!
Our little pointer.......

A hug from 'Kaluto' before we left
Logan just wanted to get back to Mickey
After battling traffic, driving through HORRIBLE fog, and stopping at another GROSS gas station, we arrived home at 1am on New Year's Eve.......
He was soon back sneaking up behind.....putting his claws over Logan's head.
I was preparing myself for a HUGE scream but instead got quite the giggle out of Logan
Ponchos were in our future.
We decided to catch the 'Aladdin' show that had gotten rave reviews at California Adventure.
It was GREAT!
After........it was raining a bit harder BUT
We did brave the rain and managed to go on a few rides where we got quite soaked!
Paul and I also took one last spin on California Screamin' .....our FAVORITE ride!
Logan slept the ENTIRE car ride home and Ella slept after watching a movie.....the kids travelled great.
We had alot of fun on our Disney trip.....
Thanks Nannie and Muntz for the wonderful Christmas gift!
1 comment:
Rain or shine DisneyLand MUST carry on! How fun! Loved all the photos, your kiddos are so cute! Thank you for the very nice and thoughtful comments... so so sweet! One of these days we could all get together. Your trip to Disneyland makes me miss our Christmas there from last year.. so much fun! I want to go soon, but we will have to wait until Cael is old enough to get on rides. Until then we can dream!
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