Since I had the pleasure of working on Valentine's Day, we did our celebrating on the 13th.
After Ella's soccer game and lunch, we let the kids open their goodies when we got home.

Logan was so excited to get a cuddly Mickey Mouse and towel.....

Ella was SOOOOO excited to get a Hannah Montana art set......with lots of glittery things!

Logan also got some squirty trains for the tub! Choo-choo!

After naptime and getting cleaned up, we were off to the Coyotes game.....

Paul had gotten tickets through the college and they were great seats!
The kids loved the 'noise'

They especially loved their churros!!!!
After the churros, Logan was sitting on Paul's lap eating cheerios and one happened to be tossed into the way too teased and hairsprayed hair of the snobby lady in front of us.....hee hee

We had a great time even though the Coyotes lost....

After work, I came home to a nice surprise of beautiful flowers and homemade cupcakes.......
Ella picked out the flowers and had to get yellow since she tells me that is my favorite color...
They were beautiful!

Hope everyone had a Happy Hearts Day!
1 comment:
Ha HAAAAA.. I love that the cheerio made its way into a nest! Awesome! Love the flowers too!
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