.....officially complete!
Thursday was Ella's last day!
The school year flew by and she enjoyed every minute of it.
She loves school and it was nice to hear all of the wonderful things her teachers had to say!

They had a special little program in chapel.....I always LOVE hearing the kids sing! SO CUTE!
Ella's bathing suit was exploding out of her skirt....so funny

After chapel, we headed out to enjoy 'water day'!

Love this little girl!


And then the meltdown......(due to water getting in her face!) Yikes!

After a minute of tears, she was eagerly back in line with her best buddy Meredith

And down they came....hand in hand

Got a tad bit muddy!

Time to get warm and dry off!

They had a snack in the classroom and then headed out for some sprinkler fun!

And then it was time for their last 'circle'
Saying a little prayer

So thankful for her wonderful year of school and all the memories!
She met alot of wonderful friends.....(and a couple of mean boys that I hope are not in her class next year!)
Below are photos of Ella with her fantastic teachers....
Ella and Mrs. Doerr

Ella and Mrs. Scharwzhaupt

Time for a special treat for Ella and her best buddy (us moms tagged along too!)
Chick-fila and then a special ice cream treat!
We will miss Meredith being in Ella's class next year but i know we will keep in touch!
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