Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Will Miss You Sweet Sprout......

We gave our last kisses to our furry little member of the family today........

Although we will miss her SO much, we know she is in a better place running around and able to see again.....



Anonymous said...

I am so so so so very sorry for your loss! I know how exactly how hard it is and only time will heal. Just know that Sprout had a little buddy in Brodie waiting for him!! Makes me tear up just thinking about it! :-(

Tricia said...

Les - I'm so sad to hear that she's gone. Who's going to tear up my legs when I visit? No wonder it was a bad week. Have a safe trip and can't wait until my next visit. XOXO

Elizabeth said...

I am so sorry for you and the family! I totally remember when you got her and she was so little and cute :)

Shaw Family said...

Ohhhh my goodness, having gone through this not too long ago, I know how heartbreaking it is, Sprout was a family member. I am so sorry :o(