Friday, May 27, 2011

Ella's is DONE with preschool!!!

Ella has LOVED preschool!!!

She has made GREAT friends and learned ALOT!!!

I couldn't have asked for a better start to school than this...

Ella knew that the last day was coming soon, but she was just as sad as I was to have it arrive...

Ready for the last day.....water day

Always ready to strike a pose
Ella and Sara

Last Chapel.....

Practicing their songs...

Gianna and buddies since the first day of school and their meeting over play-doh

So cute....

Splashing with friends....

Ella, Sophia, and Gianna...

Warming up...

And what could be a better ending than lunch at Chick-fila with all your buddies....

I enjoyed lunch with all the great moms....

And then it was a quick rush home to rest, shower, and get ready for the evening....

The theme was 'kids of the kingdom'...

Here is our princess....

Gianna and Ella...

Logan and Ella...

The class waiting to head over to the chapel...

Walking into the chapel.....

As much as Ella loves the spotlight, when they called her name to come up and get her bible, she was a flash across the stage.....this blurry photo is the only one I caught....

Walking out after the program, bible in hand...

Our fam....

Ella with Papa and Grams...

Ella and the aunties...Nolan and Ella....(they will go to the same school next year :0)

Kyle and Ella.....

Logan and Daddy...enjoying cookies and milk and holding Ella's pretty flowers...

Watch out comes Ella!!!

Ella chose Yogurtology as her 'treat' after the program.....Nolan and his family joined us....

The sweet kids had a great time!

Logan and Nolan.....

Logan has become such good buddies with Ella's classmates was really cute to watch.

We are so proud of our smart, social, and sweet Ella.....

So sad she is growing up so quickly but we can't wait to watch her on her next adventure into kindergarten.....she will be amazing!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday playdate....

Nothing better than good friends and great weather!

Today we had a impromptu playdate...

Abby and her sweet girls came over for a sunshine filled water day in the backyard....

The pool was a little chilly today so the kids moved to the slip n' slide and ran around playing in the backyard....and the mommies actually had a chance to relax and enjoy cold drinks in the sunshine!

How cute are these 4!!!

Enjoying popsicles in the clubhouse after lunch!!!
My favorite moment was when Whitney took a surprise lick of Logan's popsicle...the look on his face was priceless!
Such a fun day, makes me look forward to summer!
(if only the weather wouldn't get any hotter!)

A great weekend!

This past weekend we had NO plans, which was perfect!!!

Saturday, we pumped up back tires and after a LONG time of Ella not riding her bike, due to a fall a while back, she was 'back on the bike seat again'...and lovin' it

Logan had a great time outside that morning and had to show off his 'muscles'.....

After a nap for Logan and rest time for Ella, we headed out to the backyard to enjoy the pool!

Although it was a little cool, it wasn't bad after jumping in and swimming around!

The kids tried out their new suits and water gear...we are determined to get Ella swimming on her own this year I found a great floatation device in which you gradually remove the 'floats' until they are swimming on their own. She did great! Logan has a new arm band/chest float....he is still a little weary on the water but I am sure that won't last long....

Ella was quite the fish....

Logan 'kicking' around..

After drying off and a change of clothes, the kids enjoyed the beatiful evening...

Nothing was better than my seat.....see below

Having a great time....

Paul enjoyed being back at the BBQ....burgers for the kids and salmon for us...

Picnic time....Yum! corn on the 'bone' Ella says

After dinner came another bike ride and then an early night....

Sunday, we woke up and headed out to Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast, then a few errands before coming back home for lunch.....naptime and then the Engens joined us for swimming and dinner....

The Engen boys...

The Barron Boys...

Not sure why there is no photos of the gals, but we all had a great time!

Fantastic weekend!!!

Rattler #1 for 2011

Last Wednesday, I got a call at work from Paul......let's just say he was NOT happy about the visitor on our patio....

When I got home, the visitor was still there, so we called our neighbor, Kyle in for reinforcement. Kyle and I went to the patio to get the snake while Paul stayed inside with the kids and the door closed (since snakes know how to open doors)..

We didn't think it was a rattlesnake at first, but after looking closer, it was a baby one...

I lifted in up onto the handle of a broom and then Kyle caught it in his 'trap'....

It was skinny, but long and pretty could tell that it had just eaten something....ick!

Thankfully, this guy will not be back as a big fat rattler to bother us again!

Monday, May 9, 2011

"Poop bonk!"

This sweet little boy, who is in desperate need of a haircut, is such a STINKER!!!

When he gets mad and really wants to give it to you, he will say, "Poop bonk!"

His new favorite phrase when there is trouble, such as a huge glass of liquid that he just spilled, "OH MY GOSH!"

He spends 50% of his awake time kicking, hitting, bouncing, or throwing a ball...

He spends 49% of his day eating and the other 1% in timeout for torturing his sister!

This is day 5 of staying dry ALL DAY in wonderpants (what he calls his underwear)!

He wakes up dry in the morning and from his nap....

He still won't poop in the potty and asks for a pull-up when it's

'time' , but has his rewards waiting for him when he does!

He is obsessed and I don't mean that lightly, with checking his YUCKS!

This little guy is 'toe jam' free for sure!

Whenever he says good-bye, he says, "bye mac and cheese spaghetti face!"

He sticks his tongue out and can be SOOOO naughty! He doesn't like being told that he did anything wrong, but he is quick to report when someone else (ELLA) does something wrong by shouting, "that's not BERRY NICE!"

He is 100% BOY and his legs are NEVER free of bruises!!!

Those blue eyes melt my heart and he gives me hundreds of hugs and kisses each day!

He 'wuvs' me and I WUV him!!!

Mother's Day

I LOVE being a mommy!

(which is why I am willing to post a pic of me with horrible bed head!)

My kiddos surprised me with breakfast in bed yesterday!

They were SO excited to wake me up!

And after presents and a lazy morning, we headed to my sister's house for a BBQ.....

So much to celebrate on Mother's day! My wonderful mom and my kids!!!
Logan is STILL obsessed with checking his 'yucks' and Papa helped him yesterday with a wipe and a little song! Logan thought it was HILARIOUS!

Renee and Jack....always tough to get Renee to 'smile' for a photo

Perfect weather for a little slippin' and slidin'.....

Great action shots!

My mom and her 'girls'......

How scary and intimidating is this guy??? Watch out!

Always room for a little cake.....

After a fun filled day, we cuddled on the couch for a few books before bed....

.....Nothing better than being a mommy!!!

And remember, according to Ella, kids day is next week!