Monday, May 9, 2011

"Poop bonk!"

This sweet little boy, who is in desperate need of a haircut, is such a STINKER!!!

When he gets mad and really wants to give it to you, he will say, "Poop bonk!"

His new favorite phrase when there is trouble, such as a huge glass of liquid that he just spilled, "OH MY GOSH!"

He spends 50% of his awake time kicking, hitting, bouncing, or throwing a ball...

He spends 49% of his day eating and the other 1% in timeout for torturing his sister!

This is day 5 of staying dry ALL DAY in wonderpants (what he calls his underwear)!

He wakes up dry in the morning and from his nap....

He still won't poop in the potty and asks for a pull-up when it's

'time' , but has his rewards waiting for him when he does!

He is obsessed and I don't mean that lightly, with checking his YUCKS!

This little guy is 'toe jam' free for sure!

Whenever he says good-bye, he says, "bye mac and cheese spaghetti face!"

He sticks his tongue out and can be SOOOO naughty! He doesn't like being told that he did anything wrong, but he is quick to report when someone else (ELLA) does something wrong by shouting, "that's not BERRY NICE!"

He is 100% BOY and his legs are NEVER free of bruises!!!

Those blue eyes melt my heart and he gives me hundreds of hugs and kisses each day!

He 'wuvs' me and I WUV him!!!

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