Thursday, June 23, 2011


Yesterday, we had the chance to meet Grammie and Papa's new pup...


She is a 10 month old Border Terrier that they got from a rescue

She is so sweet and was so timid when we got there but warmed up really quick

Look at her sweet eyes as Papa talks to her...

The kids were so excited and she was sooooo good with them.

She would just sit there as they pet her and then she would sneak a kiss to them

Daisy and Grams...again look at her sweet eyes

This sweet little boy LOVES Daisy....Grammie was talking to him on the phone before they picked her up and told Logan that they were thinking of the name Sydney and Logan said, "Sinee" and then when Grammie told him Daisy, Logan shouted, "Daisy the Dog. Daisy wuvs me" and Daisy it was :0)

They both have the same eyes in this photo sweet

Ella was coloring and whistled and Daisy's ears perked up and she stayed right there with her

Daisy is one sweet dog who we will all love

We will definitely miss Maggie, but as Ella said when she found out that Mags went to heaven, "Mommy, there is one good thing about this. Maggie and Sprouters can play all day together again in heaven. Everything else about this is sad, but that is happy"

1 comment:

Mama of two ~ said...

Awe..I like the photo of Ella whistling at Daisy fun to have a family pet to visit!