Saturday, February 18, 2012

An Unexpected Guest....

Paul had just gotten home from work and was parking his truck when I heard him yelling, "COME HERE NOW!"

The balloon truck and trailer was in front of our house, so we knew it was landing close, really close.....

We see hot air balloons all the time since we are so close to the desert, but this was quite amazing as it landed RIGHT next to our house and confirmed the fact that I will never fly in one!

They usually land quite a bit further north but there wasn't wind this day and the pilot said if he didn't land in our street, he and the 15 or more people in the basket would have been 'stuck' in the desert....

Ella taking video with daddy's phone...
The landing...

Then they had to drag the balloon across the street into our neighbor's yard so they could deflate the balloon...

Look at how hard these guys are pulling to get the 'beast' to deflate and come down

Starting to deflate....look how massive it is

It was quite the neighborhood event and was fun for us all to watch....

The ice cream man even showed up to make some sales....

The ginormous balloon folds down into a little ball that gets shoved into a small storage was great to watch and it was funny when all the people in the balloon started taking pictures of all of us that were watching them land....

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