Thursday, September 6, 2012

All Star Assembly

Friday was the first All-Star Assembly of the school year...
1st grade presented and Ella was so excited...
They sang songs and got to be up in front..
Can you spot Ella????
 And then it was time for the 1st Reach award to be handed out in each classroom...
Reach stands for Respect, Effort, Attitude, Cooperation,and Heart...
Ella wasn't drawn out of the hat last year and each month of last school year she smiled and cheered for the winner.  This year, the teachers are picking the student they would like to win and guess what????
YIPEEEEEE...Ella won!!!
All was perfect, except for this is the ONE assembly that Paul has missed.
Luckily I was prepared and caught it on video...
Ella was sooooo proud!!!

 Ella and Mrs. Gagner, her FABULOUS teacher..
 And then one last quick pic before I left...Ella and the other winners had 'muffins with Ms. Musser' the principal....
So adorable....oh, and Ella had to have curls for this special day
What a proud mommy I am!!!

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