Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ninja Turtles FIRST GAME!!!

I have to start by saying that Logan's team, 'The Ninja Turtles', is made up of a GREAT group of boys!!!  They work hard, they are nice to each other, and they are fantastic little soccer players....
They demonstrated this all on the field at their first game....
Although we don't technically keep score, we WON!!!!  (15-2)

Logan and Nate....they both have big sisters named Ella that have played together for over 3 years!
 Look at that SMILE!!!!  He scored his first goal!!!
 I LOVE this action shot of Logan with his team behind him....this is his kick to score the 2nd goal!!!
What a FUN time we are having enjoying Logan playing soccer!!!
And of course, it wouldn't be the same if they didn't have the one and only Coach Paul!!!!

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