Monday, April 20, 2009

6th month check-up and pokies!

I had to take our cute little guy to the doctor this morning. As always, Logan was full of smiles. Smiling while they listened to his heart, looked in his ears, etc..... He has an AWESOME pediatrician which we love and is always super sweet to my kids!
He weighs 15 pounds 1 ounce (10th %) and is 27 1/2 inches long (75th%).
He has been a little stinker lately and not wanting to sleep through the night anymore and has been up 3-7 times a night.........not sure teeth in sight. Let's hope he starts being a good sleeper again soon because mommy and daddy sure are tired!
He cried during his 3 shots, but as soon as I picked him up, he gave the girl that gave him his shots a BIG smile, with tears still running down his face. He simply is such a SWEET little baby!
Always has a smile for everyone.......even with his little band-aided legs!!!


Anonymous said...

He is so stinking cute!!! Such a happy, sweet baby!

Elizabeth said...

poor little guy! Looks like he is quite the trooper:)