Friday, April 24, 2009

It's the Little Things......

I love being a's all the little things that I love............
Making play-doh ice cream cones with Ella in our jammies on a lazy morning
Singing songs with Ella while we do silly dances
Getting my hair pulled by Logan because he is pulling me in tight for a slobbery kiss
Trying to get sweet potatoes into a moving target
The smile on Logan's face when I come in the house after being at work all day
The picture that Ella colored for me while I was at work
The funny sayings by Ella....."oh my goodness sakes"!!!
The giggles that come out of Loags when you tell him his toes are stinky
These are just a few of my favorite things.........

How cute is this messy little guy
"Gimme some more"

Had to post this cute picture of Ella and Addy.....a couple of cute princesses who had just finished performing their "show"......hilarious
Ella asked me later that night......"Mommy, do you know who my bestest friend is?"
I, of course, thought she would say Addy since we had spent the day with her, but Ella replied, "You are my bestest friend" and gave me a hug and kiss. I wanted to be sure to document this as proof when she is a teenager!

1 comment:

Krazy Kobels said...

What a sweetie! Hope she does remember that too!