Summertime in Arizona.......guess what, it's HOT!!!!! We all know, we all complain about it, but you just have to accept it and find a way to cope!!!!
What's better than swimming, smoked chicken, guac, and cheese, and the McG's...........
I wish life didn't go by so quickly and we had more time to spend with our friends. Ella was ecstatic all day that her Brooke and Bradley were coming over to swim. The kids had a great time swimming in the pool. I am so glad that Ella has such good and sweet friends. Thanks to Blake for the yummy smoked chicken and onions........SO good. Thank you also to Blake for helping Paul prepare the beloved guacamole (recipe courtesy of our friend Kyle). Dinner was great, but all that was on the kids minds were the "pinkalicious" cupcakes that Ella helped me prepare this morning.......strawberry cake, strawberry frosting, and pink sparkle sprinkles....does it get better than that!!!!!
Jen, Blake, Brooke, and Bradley.....we are so glad to have you all as friends!

Logan enjoyed his dinner by the pool

The sweet girls sharing 'secrets' by the pool......such cuties!

"pssst pssst pssst pssst"

Snap, crackle, poprocks!

Ella loves the show, "Pinky dinky doo" and they always play a game called 'eat it or wear it'.....well, looks like Logan likes to do both! No folks, that's not a's a carrot!