I wish I could say that is was our 'money bags' that were getting bigger.....ha ha ha......nope!
It is the bags under my eyes that are!

Unfortunately, the bags under my eyes that are ginormous today! Our little Logan is a stinker!!!! Was a super sleeper at 3 months....sleeping a 6 to 7 hour stretch, no problem. Then, bam! I go back to work and Mr. Man wants to wake up all the time, sometimes every 3 hours. Super tired me! The past few months he has continued to wake up at least once a night which makes for a continuing tired mommy because (I forgot to mention) in the middle of the night, if daddy goes in, Logan cries harder. LOVES his daddy during the day, but only mommy will do at night. SOOOOOO......last week, the turnaround occurred. My sweet boy was going to sleep around 7:30pm and sleeping until about 5:30am.......fabulous!!!! Again......just a tease. Just when I am smiling as my head hits the pillow knowing that I get to catch some quality zzzzzzzzzz's, the little man decides he wants to start waking up again........ Last night, Logan decided at 2:30am that he wanted to be awake, not just wake up for a brief snack and go back to sleep......WHAT? He was bright eyed and crawling around his crib.... After several attempts and some fussiness (more Logan's than mine).........he was back to sleep with a smile on his face around 4:30am......yawn........ Once again I say, 'it's a darn good thing that Logan is so stinkin' cute because he wears me out.......literally'

I guess it's time for me to invest in some new concealer......
And, not that anyone can tell, but this blog post was interrupted by one little stinker who decided to wake up after 20 minutes from his morning nap, standing in his crib and ready for 'action'......normally he sleeps for 1 1/2 to 2 hours..........
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