...................12 Hours make!
Asleep on the couch when I got home last night
Sunday night, Ella woke up in the middle of the night saying her 'mouth hurt'. I gave her some tylenol, she drank a bit, watched a cartoon or two and FINALLY went back to sleep. I had to work yesterday, so she was home with daddy who kept me updated on the fact that she was not herself. She laid on the couch most of the day, didn't eat or drink much, but didn't run a fever. She was asleep on the couch when I got home.....so, after a shower and putting Logan to bed, I came down to check on her. She was on FIRE! She woke up and was practically screaming about her throat. She wouldn't talk, wouldn't take a drink, and was REALLY miserable. I took a look at her throat which was RED RED RED.....she also had the yucky white tongue and 'that' breath.......She was not too thrilled AT ALL about heading to the doctor, but we left about 9pm and I am happy to report we were back at about 10:05pm....we went to Good Night Pediatrics at 88th ave and union hills. It is a pediatric urgent care.....we were in and out in about 20 minutes with a confirmed diagnosis of Strep. Ella was such a trooper and did great getting 'swabbed' and saying 'ahhhh' for the doctor. Walgreens was super nice to us and made up the antibiotic in about 5 minutes which was enough time for Ella to pick out a new Care Bear (she named her Carrie), a Hello Kitty color book, butterfly stickers, and horse stickers. How could I say 'no' to any of it since she was breaking my heart and had been such a trooper!
She went to sleep as soon as we got home and had one more 'bad' time at 1am when she woke up with a sore throat and threw up all over herself and me after motrin, but this morning she is SO much better. She has eaten about 5 crackers and had 3 cups of juice. Ella enjoyed a LONG bath and has made her 'nest' on the couch where she has been all day. She is talking, drinking, and smiling. SO glad my sweet Ella is on the mend. She made it almost 4 years without needing antibiotics! Shhhhh........she just fell asleep.

Drinking her 'pink' gatorade from her new 'pink' piggie cup....

Sunday night, Ella woke up in the middle of the night saying her 'mouth hurt'. I gave her some tylenol, she drank a bit, watched a cartoon or two and FINALLY went back to sleep. I had to work yesterday, so she was home with daddy who kept me updated on the fact that she was not herself. She laid on the couch most of the day, didn't eat or drink much, but didn't run a fever. She was asleep on the couch when I got home.....so, after a shower and putting Logan to bed, I came down to check on her. She was on FIRE! She woke up and was practically screaming about her throat. She wouldn't talk, wouldn't take a drink, and was REALLY miserable. I took a look at her throat which was RED RED RED.....she also had the yucky white tongue and 'that' breath.......She was not too thrilled AT ALL about heading to the doctor, but we left about 9pm and I am happy to report we were back at about 10:05pm....we went to Good Night Pediatrics at 88th ave and union hills. It is a pediatric urgent care.....we were in and out in about 20 minutes with a confirmed diagnosis of Strep. Ella was such a trooper and did great getting 'swabbed' and saying 'ahhhh' for the doctor. Walgreens was super nice to us and made up the antibiotic in about 5 minutes which was enough time for Ella to pick out a new Care Bear (she named her Carrie), a Hello Kitty color book, butterfly stickers, and horse stickers. How could I say 'no' to any of it since she was breaking my heart and had been such a trooper!
She went to sleep as soon as we got home and had one more 'bad' time at 1am when she woke up with a sore throat and threw up all over herself and me after motrin, but this morning she is SO much better. She has eaten about 5 crackers and had 3 cups of juice. Ella enjoyed a LONG bath and has made her 'nest' on the couch where she has been all day. She is talking, drinking, and smiling. SO glad my sweet Ella is on the mend. She made it almost 4 years without needing antibiotics! Shhhhh........she just fell asleep.
Drinking her 'pink' gatorade from her new 'pink' piggie cup....
Looking at all of her 'prizes' this morning on the couch......
I am so relieved to hear she is doing so much better!!! Strep throat is nasty stuff, so I'm glad you were able to get her started on antibiotics quick! Feel better Ella!
What a sweet girl! Glad she is in the mend!!!!
Poor little girly-good to see she is on the mend!- Gotta love those antibiotics :)
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