The weather was was nice to have no school last week...
Our week (well at least the beginning) was filled with fun treats and park days!
Daddy and Ella enjoying hot chocolate...
My cuties bundled up and were ready to play!
Snacktime with friends Sienna and Owen....
Kellen a.k.a mini-Steve
Sienna and Logan had a great time playing cute
They must have done this about 100 times!
"Look mommy!"
The girls....
Although Ella only goes to preschool on Tues/Thur, it is really nice to have a break once in a while and spend lots of days at the park. We had met up with two of her preschool buddies the day before for another park day. It makes me so sad to think of next year when this cute little girl is in school 5 days a week!!! I am gonna be one sad mommy and I know Logan is going to really miss her too.....for now, we will enjoy all of our Ella time!!!