Happy 5th Birthday Ella!!!
(this photo may be 2 years old....but I cherish it)

Happy Birthday to the sweetest little girl in the world!!!
You are LOVED my Ella!!!
I love how much you love school and how excited you are to learn....
I love that you LOVE to draw and you are really good at it....
I love that even though you are daddy's girl, you love your mommy and need mommy time too!
I love how much you love your brother and even though he might whack you for no reason, you never hit back....
I love that you are a little 'mother hen' and make sure than everyone is taken care of including all your friends at school....
I love that you are a leader...
I love that you ROCK at soccer!!!! You are quite a little player.....
I love how much you love your friends and how much your friends love you.....
I love your sensitivity.......
I love how much you love your family.......
I love how you always remember to say prayers and how important Jesus is to you.....
But most importantly.....I LOVE YOU AND AM SO PROUD TO BE YOUR MOMMY!!!
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