Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Our little supermodel!!!

My friend Wade (who does my hair) is getting ready to launch a line of kid's hair bows and Ella got to be the model!!!
She was ecstatic.....definintely her dream come true!

Getting ready.....luckily Wade has a tv that kept both kiddos happy during the 'curling'
The photos were taken at Saghuaro Ranch Park.....Ella was a natural...so stinkin' cute!
She actually picked out her first outfit and was dressed long before we even had to leave that morning!
So sweet! Such a little sassy gal!
Loving' every minute!

I can't wait to see the finished photos!!! I will definitely post a link to them!
Logan was so funny! He tried desperately to get in alot of the photos....he would sneak up and stand there with a BIG grin on his face!!! He is ready for the launch of the boy bows!
Couldn't resist taking some pics of my other model!
So handsome!

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