Luckily, we are blessed with kiddos that aren't up at the crack of dawn.....
They woke up about 7:30am and we headed downstairs .
With lots of excitement, they opened their Santa gifts and then it was on to the stockings...
Loving the treasures they are finding....

Yipee Jessie!!!

Howdy Woody!

A big grin!!!

Paul's favorite stocking find......a spice mix called, "slap yo mama!"

LOVE this photo! Logan loved his new Scooby doo creature!

Happy Ella and Happy Daddy!

Happy Mommy and Happy Logan!

Ella couldn't wait to give her brother the buzzy bee pillow pet she had picked out for him!

Time for some family gifts....

One of Logan's favorite presents was the indoor nerf hoop!

More presents!

The kiddos got superhero capes and wrist wraps from mommy and daddy because we think they are SUPER!
Ella is modeling her cape and bedhead!

Nannie and Muntz got Ella her own portable dvd player.....she LOVES IT!!!

Logan LOVED his talking Thomas trike from Auntie Jojo and Uncle Curtis

My little Jessie! Too bad Santa didn't bring the right size hat! Hopefully we can exchange it!

Jessie riding her fantastic big wheel bike from grams and papa!

Soon it was time for my family to arrive and we enjoyed the beautiful weather outside !
Smooches from Papa!

Logan got to try out his new sandbox from Grams and Papa and Ella was happy to play along!
(Paul would like to point out how green his grass is)

Dinnertime was FANTATIC! Thank you Chef Paul!
We had a turkey, stuffing with sausage and chestnuts, roast parsnips and potatoes, carrots, and brussel sprouts.....along with sausages wrapped in bacon!

After dinner and some more playtime, it was time for baths!
The kids were excited to try out the new toys!
(you can also see Paul's new bracelet from the kiddos...says 'daddy')

And there is no better way to end the day then cuddled on the couch.....

The Barron Bunch hopes everyone had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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