Today was cooking baking day to make some special treats for Santa!
Ella was my helper and she looked super cute!

She was super excited to frost and decorate the shaped cookies she had created!

Thanks to Trader Joes for this wonderful creation this year!!!

I am sure Santa will love the cookies!

After cleaning, cooking baking, naps, etc..... we headed off to Church with my family.
Then we headed to Grammie and Papa's for our family celebration!
Ella and Uncle Kenny

Grammie and Paul....

Ella sure does love her Grams....

After a quick dinner, it was time to open some presents.....
Logan couldn't wait to see what was in his GIANT box!
A sandbox from Grams and Papa!

Ella LOVED her new clock!

Uncle Kenny got a pool cue rack for the wall....

Ella got a great box of beads for crafting and Holly got some new adorable clothes thanks to her aunts, uncles, and cousin...

"Hello Buzz Lightyear!"

Ella showing off her fantastic new 'motorcycle' from grams and papa

Uncle Pat opening his box of 'stuff' from us...

Suz got a Keurig!

This little guy was in LOVE with his new grill!!! (thanks PSJRK)....even came equipped with its own 'mouse'

Jack LOVED his wheelys from us.....we are not responsible for the ER visit bills these may require!

Ella and Aunt Renee (showing teeth :0)

All I wanted was a pic of the kiddos in front of the tree in their cute outfits, but Mr. Grumpy wanted NOTHING to do with this is what happened!

.....and then this!

So, Mr.Grumpy went back to playing and smiling....

And then I gave it one more try.....

Grams read Ella, "twas the night before Christmas" before we headed home...

It was a fun night with my family!
So blessed to have them all to spend this holiday with!
We then headed home to get ready for Santa!
Chocolate milk.....check!
Big carrot for Rudolph......check!
Little carrots for the other 8 reindeers....check!

Santa's treats for Logan....

And for Ella....

A beautiful site....

Ella's stuffed stocking....

Logan's stuffed stocking....

An empty plate, an empty mug, and some crumbs.....
Santa has been to the Barron house!!!

.....time for bed
Can't wait to see my kiddos faces in the morning!!!
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