Our rainy Saturday was filled with fun thanks to aunt renee and aunt suz.....
They took the kiddos to Build-a-bear for their Easter treat!!!
The kids were just slightly excited :0)
Ella had been dreaming about shimmer kitty for weeks and Logan couldn't wait to get his BIG WAD WOLF!!!

Time to stuff Shimmer Kitty...

Making sure kitty's heart is just perfect....

Ella helping Logan stuff BWW....he was a little shy at first (notice the hand behind his back)

Logan giving his wolf a heart...

Time for baths....

Scrub a dubby....wolf and kitty in the tubby

Now the outfits.....basketball wolf and rapunzel kitty!

And to make it official.....kitty was named "Rapunzel" and wolf was named "Big Wad Wolf"

Logan and BWW are inseparable

Rapunzel hasn't left Ella's side.....

Thanks Suz and Renee!!!
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