This morning the kids couldn't wait to head to the park for our neighborhood Easter celebration!!!
We got there and off they ran to find the 'bunny'
Logan isn't scared at all and gave the biggest hug ever!

Soon it was time for the egg hunt...


Another visit to the bunny....

Love these kiddos!

Happy Easter Engen Family!

Happy Easter Monique and Sienna! Can't wait to meet your new addition 'tomorrow'!!!

Ella and Logan LOVED the bouncy slide and went down it about 500 times.
I loved sitting back and watching the two of them in line.
Ella was so protective and made sure to keep her brother with her at all times...

Logan 'making sure' Ella is behind him..

So sweet...


Logan the comedian....with his blue stained 'candy' teeth

And.....of course.....'checking yucks'.......

The 3 amigos....


And after another egg hunt, we had to have one more visit with the bunny before heading home

We had a great time!
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