The author of some popular children's books, including "The Night Before Kindergarten", came across Ella's video on my blog and asked for permission to post on her blog....
So cute!
Forgot to post this on the blog the other night.....So adorable!
She asked us to get the video camera and record her 'song'
Ella has loved her first two days of school.....except for a couple of things
Day 1: "Mommy, do you know that you have to raise your hand EVERY time you want to talk. And I REALLY mean EVERY time!!!"
For those of you that know Ella well, this could seem an impossible task
Day 2: "Ella, who sits at your table with you?"
"Well mommy, R does. He doesn't listen though and gets in trouble"
"why doesn't he listen"
"um...He's a BOY!"