Today was about my sweet girl and trying not to think about tomorrow....
She picked doughnuts for breakfast so we headed to Dunkin' this morning for a treat
But before heading out, she had to be FANCY...she wanted to wear her special sparkly dress and a tiara. And it wasn't complete without a boa... So cute...
Logan is gonna miss his big sis so much when she is at school :0(

Nannie and Muntz with Logan and the princess...
Ella loved how everyone looked at her when we walked to our table for dinner. It made me think of the 'Fancy Nancy' book we read. When the hostess asked if it was her birthday, she proudly said, "no, but tomorrow I start Kindergarten and that is why we are here celebrating."
Me and my sweet took about 20 tries to get this photo because Logan kept popping up and sticking his head in :0)
Ella was given the fortune cookies to pass out....Her fortune cookie had TWO in it and they were amazingly PERFECT for her:
Thanks Nannie and Muntz for a great dinner to celebrate Ella!!!
And then a special treat on the way home....Yogurtology

We read some very special books tonight about Kindergarten....they were so cute and Ella giggled as we read them. She also said a special prayer and blessed everyone that will be in her class tomorrow and her whole school. Ella is one special little girl
And we had to do a little decorating ....she will be so excited in the morning....

1. Wednesday will be a day of rejoicing for you!
2. Appreciate the caring people who surround you tomorrow.
So true!
We read some very special books tonight about Kindergarten....they were so cute and Ella giggled as we read them. She also said a special prayer and blessed everyone that will be in her class tomorrow and her whole school. Ella is one special little girl
I know there will be tears in the morning and they won't be Ella's.....
Where did all the years go proud of what a smart and sweet little girl Ella has become and she is sooooo excited to learn this year, especially French :0)
One of Ella's friends from preschool started Kindergarten on Monday and his mom posted how he had cried when she left....I had commented and said how I hope it goes smoothly for Ella and she replied how she knows that Ella will be the one consoling any kids that are sad and crying....
So true...I am one lucky mommy to have such a caring little girl....She is definitely ready to start this adventure and she will thrive in school....
Wish us luck in the morning
That was so so sweet! ELLA IS GONNA BE SO AWESOME! How perfect are those fortunes. Poor little Logan..he will miss his big sis! This blog made me all testy..hang in there tomorrow! I will be right there with ya!
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