After a yummy big breakfast and cookie baking, we got ready and headed to church on Christmas Eve....then we all went to my parents house for our usual family celebration

Ella loved opening present with Grams

Logan was SO excited and animated as he opened his gifts

Logan was proud of his Uncle Kenny says, "every boy needs rock 'em sock 'em robots"

Jack guessed what his present was....can you believe it?

Ella got an MP3 player and cd from grammie and papa...

Watch out comes Ella the rockstar

time to start putting things together


Check out Logan's new 'ride'

Pretty Auntie glad that she was here with us

Curtis and my mom

Chick-fila gift card....."YES!!!"

Singing to Grams....Ella say some pretty songs that she had made up herself and said to us...."That song has been going around in my head for so long and I was so happy to finally get it out and sing it"

Ella singing to Logan....

Daisy enjoyed her presents...sweet pup

"Jingle Bells" with papa....a Christmas tradition

Then it was time to rush home....the kids enjoyed "Twas the Night Before Christmas" read by Auntie Jojo this year

Cookies and chocolate milk for Santa....Carrots for Rudolph and Donner

And right before bed, the kids read their letters that Santa had sent to them....Ella was told Santa was proud of her for doing so well in school but she needs to work on being a 'first time listener'......Logan was told Santa was proud of him for pooping in the potty but he needs to keep working on being nice to his sister....(Ella liked that)
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