Yesterday was Logan's 3rd Birthday.....
We celebrated as he wished.....Batman style
The morning started out with Ella giving him her special gift.....A Happy Napper!!!
These two LOVE info-mercials so that is where they discovered these!
He also opened up a fabulous gift from GG and Pete-Pete....a BATMAN COSTUME!!!!
He loved it!!!
Thanks Nannie for the cupcake toppers!

We decided to do the party a little backwards since the bouncy was not here.....Pinata first!!!
Go Piper!!!
Go Sienna!!!
Go Sophia!!!
Go Noah!!!
Go Nolan!!!

Get it Logan!!!

Go Ella!!!
Logan and his buddies Piper and Nolan!!!
The AWESOME scooter from Grammie and Papa!!!
The ever so anticipated 'Doggie Doo' game and a Batman laptop from Aunt Renee and Uncle Kenny
A homemade 'Poopie' shirt, a jelly bean pooping cow, and a nerf dart gun game from Auntie Suz, Uncle Pat, and Jack
1. I had ordered Logan a Batman t-shirt transfer that had his name, the numer 3, and a boy dressed as Batman on it. It DIDN'T WORK!!! Not even a little bit. Luckily, Logan had many back-up Batman shirts.... When emailing the lady I bought it from, I learned that there were some 'duds' that she had made and LUCKY ME, I got one!!!! Hmmm.....maybe she could have just sent out an email to me before asking if I got the 'bad one'.....waiting for a refund!!!
2. I had a cotton candy machine reserved to come with the bouncy house.....I had it booked for WEEKS now. It was supposed to be delivered with the bouncy house between 12pm-1pm...I called the lady at 12:30 to 'check' on things only to learn that the cotton candy machine was 'stolen' or 'missing' and did I want the money off or something else.....I chose the money off....CRUMMY!!!!
3. Back to the bouncy house.....yep, was supposed to arrive between 12pm-1pm and when I was finding out about the inability to provide the cotton candy, I was told that the delivery guy was heading our way and would be here soon. Party to start at 2pm. Well, again we called at 1:30pm, no answer....I am NOT happy at this point!!! 1:50pm....oh, she answers to tell me that he will be here "soon", but if he is not here by 2:30pm, she will give me $20 off.....Heart is racing at this point......Guests are arriving and there is 'NO BOUNCY!!!!' The clock ticks SLOWLY by....The time is now 2:30pm, YES 2:30pm......the delivery guy calls to tell me that he is on the 101 freeway and his GPS says 20 minutes and we do live on Union Hills, right???? UMMMM....NO!!!!!!! We are about 10 miles north of that! This now makes him 40 MINUTES away!!!! To sum it up, the bouncy house arrived at 3:30pm....Deep breath.....
We decided to do the party a little backwards since the bouncy was not here.....Pinata first!!!
Go Logan!!!
Presents next.....
Logan was one lucky boy!!!
We managed to stall for a bit with Musical chairs.....
Still no bouncy, so lets do the CUPCAKES!!!
Happy Birthday sweet boy!!! Cha cha cha!!!
Look at those puffed up cheeks!!!
Enjoying the cupcakes....
The delivery guy actually had the nerve to ask me at 2:30pm if I still wanted it....
Luckily the kids enjoyed it!
1 comment:
He is so cute!! Cant believe he is 3 already- excited to see him/meet him in a few weeks lol :) So glad that he a had an awesome birthday!
p.s. I hope you got the bouncey house for FREE--weirdos :)
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