The kiddos couldn't wait for today!!!
Pumpkin carving or as they prefer....'punkin carving!'
We decided it would be girls vs. boys
Ella was up for the challenge
She was adorable 'planning' all week

Team Girls

Logan was ready to win!

Team Boys

The kids weren't fans of digging out the pumpkin guts...
I got really good at it after volunteering in Ella's classroom, so as Paul and I dug out guts, Ella became the photographer...

It was fun to try to get Logan with my pumpkin hands!!!

Team boys working on their masterpiece...

Team Girls working hard...

Then it was time to paint...

Logan had SO much fun painting...

Team Boys....proud of their finished product....So SCARY

Team Girls....our pumpkin princess witch

It was such a fun afternoon....We listened to Halloween music as we carved
The kids loved making their pumpkins
And don't mind the 'poop field' (we are overseeding) in the background
We finished up the night with another pumpkin shaped pizza and then we made cinnamon sugar roasted pumpkin seeds....thank goodness our pumpkins had lots of seeds!
Happy Halloween tomorrow!
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