Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pizza and Pumpkins...

"Can we go to Grammie and Papa's today?.......PAH-LEEEEEEZE?????"

I hear this almost daily from both Ella and Logan....

They LOVE their grams and papa....

Ella has early release all week for conferences so what better way to spend the afternoon then doing what they love best...

We picked up a jack-o-lantern pizza on the way and got Logan's shaggy hair cut...

Grammie and the kiddos with the before pizza....they had the giggles

Ella giving Daisy lots of hugs...they LOVE her!
The after was YUMMO! (as Logan said)
His new thing is saying things are Yummo or Yucko....

Logan with his cone mouth and Papa sneaking up behind...

Logan loving on Daisy...Love this pic

What a fun afternoon!!!

The pizza was great and the kids loved their pumpkins!!!

Thanks Grams and ya!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

ok, gonna have to make a pizza tonight-soooo cute! Your parents are very involved with their grandchildren- that is awesome!!!