Tuesday, March 24, 2009

An Hour in the Life of my "Loags"

"Hey mommy.....I am getting to be such a big boy now.....almost 6months ya know. I can almost sit up on my own, but not quite yet. Do you think you could put me in that great seat I have? Oh, and please....please...please could you give me my toys to play with......thanks mommy" "i love you mommy....come closer for a slobbery kiss"

"you.....yeah you mommy.....come closer to me"
"oh my gosh...... "

(in complete awe of his crazy sister)

"i love my whooz-it mommy....it's my favorite"

"mommy, i told you that i want to sit up...........look at me....hee,hee,hee"

"look at me mommy, have you ever seen anything cuter than this"

"this is the best toe i have ever tasted in my whole life"

"are you kidding me? we aren't suppose to chew on our toes"

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dr.Seuss Tea........How much fun will it be?

For several months now, we have been awaiting our Dr.Seuss tea party. Jen had invited us to join her, Bradley, and Brooke and we couldn't have been more excited. Ella, the Cat in the hat, and I met up with the McGlasson's and followed them out to Tempe to the Hackett House. It is a cute little place just off of Mill Ave.

Ella with her Cat
Ella and her buddies

Posing.....before we left she told me....."mommy, look at me. I'm ready for my close-up." Where does she come up with this stuff???????

"Horton Hatches an Egg" (read by a girl who made sure everyone remained silent)

close-up as requested

the tables were decorated so cute. The china tea cup and the "real" wine glass made us a little nervous

Horton peanut butter and jelly-phant sandwich. The menu was Dr.Seuss themed and super cute!

After we finished eating, the kids each got to pick out a book. They also got a bookmark and coloring pages.

The tea house also had a cute gift shop where we bought this cute little bunny whom Ella named "lisa"........I heard all proceeds go to charity (good reason to shop). Paul thought this was a real bunny when we got home. Silly Paul

Logan had a great day with daddy watching James Bond movies and sports......oh, and he even got to nap in daddy's arms.......cute

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Working.....time to catch up!

I had to work on Saturday and Monday (recovery day yesterday) so it is finally time to catch up on my blog. Luckily, I had Sunday off so we headed to daddy's soccer game to cheer him on! Logan and Ella had to wear their soccer gear and had a great time just being outside. Daddy is very proud of his kids on the sideline!
Sunday afternoon, we headed to the neighbor's house for some yummy yummy dinner. Kyle had made homemade guacamole which was the best we had ever tasted and then we had indian fry bread with yummy mexican fixings for dinner and with powdered sugar and honey for dessert. YUM! We came home VERY full!

Ella outside with Sienna

Kyle making the fry bread

St. Patrick's Day was FANTASTIC! We finally decided to give in and hire a housecleaner. Why did we wait this long? It was the best decision..........loving a clean house. Ella spent the day at grammie's house so Logan and I spent the day together. We did lots of relaxing and I caught up on tivo.

Cute boy wearing his green

A video of cute Logan cheering at daddy's game

Friday, March 13, 2009

I LOVE this weather and "Go Ella Go"

Once again I must say that this weather is FANTABULOUS!!!!! There is nothing better than 70 degree sunshiny days. Paul was off today so we headed to the park as a family. Ella was eager to show her daddy what a brave girl she is these days going down the "big" slides.

On our way, we walked past this blooming cactus. Beautiful!
On top of the "big" playground with daddy. There were some other parents/kids there and our silly girl introduced herself to one of the moms and said "Hi, I'm Ella and this is Paul".......Paul quickly chimed in, "I'm her daddy" so that they wouldn't think he was just some random guy with a little girl at the park.

Slide races!

Me and my Logan

Mommy and her kiddos

Paul later headed out to a spring training game with Pat and Jack so Auntie Suz came over after work to play with us and she brought Jack's old basketball hoop with. He has graduated to a real one and Ella had a blast playing with this. She made each of us cheer for her with each shot she took "GO ELLA GO" could be heard echoing out of our backyard this evening.

She shoots!

She scores......The ball is going through the hoop in this shot.....kind of a strange look to it. Sprout is ready to grab the rebound, just in case.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Haircut #3

Ella's hair has been getting a little scraggly (is that a word?) so it was time to go to her most favorite place of all........Sweet & Sassy. We did a little shopping with Grammie, then had lunch at our favorite place....Sauce and into the cute little chair she went. I made sure to polish her fingers and toes this morning at home so we didn't have to add a mani and pedi to the bill.

The before shot
The after shot

I love.....love.....LOVE this cut on her

Ella loves to call her brother "little grabber man" and these pictures show how he earnes that name

Ella making silly faces for her brother while he "ponders"

Ella wore one of her special cardigans today that G.G. (her great grandma) knitted for her and she came home to a special package for her and Logan in the post. Another CUTE cardigan for her, one for Logan, and a special outfit (complete with a hat) for her dolly. Thank you G.G. You make the most special gifts!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Great Days

For those of you not in Arizona, you are definitely missing out. There is nothing better than AZ weather in springtime. Windows open, birds chirping, and playing outside. And, of course, playing inside.......Logan loves his playmat and has been practicing his new 'yoga' moves.
Starting to like tummy time
love the drool
mr. blue eyes won't be a vegetarian.........

chewing on the tootsies

so stinkin' cute
We decided to head back to the park today and Angela, Tanner, and Mason joined us. We have been trying to get together with them for months. Tanner is just a month younger than Ella and Mason just 4 months older than Logan. We have many more playdates in our future.

playing at the park with Tanner

ridin' the horsie

she is posing and giving him quite the look

beautiful mason with beautiful mommy

logan once again had a great day at the park.....he loves being outside