Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Great Days

For those of you not in Arizona, you are definitely missing out. There is nothing better than AZ weather in springtime. Windows open, birds chirping, and playing outside. And, of course, playing inside.......Logan loves his playmat and has been practicing his new 'yoga' moves.
Starting to like tummy time
love the drool
mr. blue eyes won't be a vegetarian.........

chewing on the tootsies

so stinkin' cute
We decided to head back to the park today and Angela, Tanner, and Mason joined us. We have been trying to get together with them for months. Tanner is just a month younger than Ella and Mason just 4 months older than Logan. We have many more playdates in our future.

playing at the park with Tanner

ridin' the horsie

she is posing and giving him quite the look

beautiful mason with beautiful mommy

logan once again had a great day at the park.....he loves being outside


Anonymous said...

Great photos...great drool shot! Bradley is going to be SOOO jealous of little Tanner!!!

Elizabeth said...

i totally miss phoenix this time of year- i am envious- although the weather is pretty good up here too- just a lot of wind!