Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like.........

Ella helped me plant some pretty flowers in some pots out front.
She did pick the colors......pink and purple
We took advantage of the beautiful weather today and walked to the park with our friends Kellie and Owen. The kids had a blast.

Ella made friends with another little boy. I heard her up by the slide and he asked her what her name was and then proceeded to tell her that mosquitos suck your blood. They ran around together for a while and even though he had asked her name he called her "girl" the whole time. I then heard Ella telling him......"I have a mommy and a daddy. I also have a little brother named Logan and he is really cute. you wanna see him?" She brought the little boy over who confirmed that Logan was cute and tickled his tummy. Hilarious.

Owen and Ella playin' in the sand

Logan enjoyed himself as well. He loved watching his big sister go down the slide and then spent some time playing in the stroller with his toys


Krazy Kobels said...

Looks like fun! He looks great in the stoller semi-sitting up and happy!

Elizabeth said...

Looks like a great time! We have been fairly warm up here too- 68 today! My kids actually asked if they could wear shorts- not yet!