So today was a rough one. I thought it was going to be sooooooo smooth and then wham! I had just put Logan to sleep in his crib and was downstairs making a homemade pizza with Ella (pita bread, pizza sauce, and cheese) which Ella thought was fantastic. Ten minutes after Logan fell asleep, he was up and crying. And then Ella had the BIGGEST meltdown ever as the pizza was cooking telling me she only liked the pizza daddy brought home and was NOT going to eat this one. Well, mommy told her otherwise and up to her room to "tantrum" for about 20 minutes as I tried to calm Logan down. She finally decided to taste it and liked as she was sitting eating her lunch and watching Dora, she said to me......"mommy, could you please put on Max and Ruby because I HATE Dora. " And I responded (trying not to laugh) , "why?" Ella tells me, " because she just does the same stuff over and boring." She is hilarious. Not to worry, I did explain to her how we don't say "hate", just say "don't like"......Silly Ella

While I am sharing Ella and her 'funniness' with words, she started saying a new favorite on Saturday night......"Ridiculous" (said like dee-dic-a-less). Most of the time she gets her "words" from Grammie (such as "oh, bummer") but I really think she got this one from her daddy!
1 comment:
I do think this is THE FIRST time I've ever seen Ella with a pouty look on her face!! Glad she finally tried it and liked it. Funny how they make up their little minds and cause such a rukus! Hope the rest of the day/evening goes smoothly for you!
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