Monday, March 9, 2009

"Silly Ella"

Saturday morning Ella was doing what she refers to as her "work" (all of her picture drawing, letter writing, etc.....) . She is really learning her letters and loves to "write." Well, sometimes she gets a little confused and instead of "E.L.L.A." she had written "L.L.E.A.". Well, here is what happened next.........

Mommy: Ella you wrote Llea......

Ella: Uh, who's Llea

Mommy: I don't know

Ella: Oh, I know. Silly Ella. She is my friend. Remember mommy. She loves to go shopping with us and loves to come to my house. She has a cat named Shannon. Oh, and Llea has a baby too. But, she has a girl baby. A sister. Her sister's name is Artie. Remember mommy.

Mommy: Silly mommy

This girl has quite the imagination and she comes up with things out of nowhere. She is so creative and smart. And most importantly, she makes me laugh everyday!

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