Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Working.....time to catch up!

I had to work on Saturday and Monday (recovery day yesterday) so it is finally time to catch up on my blog. Luckily, I had Sunday off so we headed to daddy's soccer game to cheer him on! Logan and Ella had to wear their soccer gear and had a great time just being outside. Daddy is very proud of his kids on the sideline!
Sunday afternoon, we headed to the neighbor's house for some yummy yummy dinner. Kyle had made homemade guacamole which was the best we had ever tasted and then we had indian fry bread with yummy mexican fixings for dinner and with powdered sugar and honey for dessert. YUM! We came home VERY full!

Ella outside with Sienna

Kyle making the fry bread

St. Patrick's Day was FANTASTIC! We finally decided to give in and hire a housecleaner. Why did we wait this long? It was the best decision..........loving a clean house. Ella spent the day at grammie's house so Logan and I spent the day together. We did lots of relaxing and I caught up on tivo.

Cute boy wearing his green

A video of cute Logan cheering at daddy's game

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