The GOOD or should I say GREAT news is that my mom had her MRI earlier this week and it is ALL CLEAR!!! Fantastic news!!!!!!
The bad, or should I say heartbreaking news is that Logan had his tests done at the hospital yesterday and he has bilaterally grade 2 reflux...... To review, he had surgery on grade 5 reflux in Nov 09 and in 1/10 we found out that the surgery was a success and that he had developed reflux on the other side. So, this news was really not good that not only did the 'new' reflux didn't resolve, but now the surgical side has it back again. It was a rough few hours, as Logan had an ultrasound (which he despises) and his VCUG (which he got a catheter for) and was NOT happy about either. Such a little trooper and even smiled and said good-bye to everyone as we left. We follow-up with the specialist next Tuesday to find out what is next.... Keep the prayers coming....
And if yesterday for my poor little man, wasn't enough, his 2 year old appointment was today. He actually did FANTASTIC and wasn't scared at all.
He weighed 27 pounds (fully clothed) and was 35 1/2 inches tall.....
Logan was so excited to be in the room with the BIG lion on the wall!

Waiting for the doctor....
It wasn't all smiles....he did get 3 shots today and the poor little guy keeps saying, "leg hurts mommy....." Last night he would say, " hurts mommy" everytime he went potty.
Poor little guy deserves a day off from owees!

It was a beautiful day outside and we took advantage of it after naptime......
My two helmet heads looked super cute!

Still trying to get a hang of riding the trike......

And now onto the FURRY!!!!
My new niece.....SAMMIE!
An adorable little bundle of fur!

Logan is hilarious with her.....
Initially he was scared of her, but then he warmed up and kept lying on his tummy and saying, "HI Sammie"