Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monday Night

You might be asking, what does PEZ have to do with a Monday night??????......well allow me to explain......

I had kickball playoffs last night.....

Paul had to coach at Grand Canyon......

Aunt Renee (nay nay) came over to watch the kids.......

Enough said?????

I came home at 9pm to Logan and Ella doing jumping jacks......Aunt Renee watching and laughing

Logan was absolutely CRAZY....it was hilarious......he was doing a sideways dance step and falling down.....he was feeling the full effects of the PEZ

Ella wasn't quite as crazy but was still going full speed......

It took me until nearly 10pm to get Logan to sleep....I think he was still trying to do jumping jacks in his crib....

Ella's sugar high came crashing down and she was fast asleep pretty quickly.....

Thanks Aunt Renee for watching the kiddos and doing what aunts do best......giving the kids too much sugar and then leaving :0)

And for those of you that may be wondering......my kickball team won (3-2) and we are in the semi-finals next week and GCU won also (3-0)

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