Two years ago TODAY, I spent the day with Ella and my mom....
We took Ella to get her FIRST haircut!!!

She was excited and a little nervous...

And just loved it....

Such a sweet little girl.....
She loved her new hair!

And was so happy to have Grammie spending the day with us.....

She was, after all, about to become a BIG SISTER and she had to look like a big girl!

Ella loved to feel her brother wiggle and kick.....

Ella already LOVED her brother....

I remember this day like it was yesterday.....
......and a great day it was
That just made me tear up! Wow - 2 years ago! Can't believe how fast that went!!! Love to the Barrons....
She is so cute! What a big girl she has gotten to be- it's fun to look at pictures from a few years ago and see how much she has changed!
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