Friday night was a rough one....
a VERY rough one...
Paul was out of town for soccer and Ella was devastated, and I mean devastated!
She cried herself to sleep in bed with me and then at 2:30am, I awoke to a horrific scream.
She cried herself to sleep in bed with me and then at 2:30am, I awoke to a horrific scream.
She had fallen out of bed and hit her eye on the corner of our bedside table.....after getting her to calm down, she began to cry again and told me, "I wish this was all just a bad dream and my daddy was home...." So sad :(
Finally morning came, after Logan also woke up during the night, and I put a BIG pot of coffee on. We played around the house all morning, had lunch, and headed off to stop #1, Ella's soccer game.
Another bit of sadness for Ella.....on the way there, she told me, with tears in her eyes...."mommy, do you realize this will be the only game that I have to call daddy and tell him how many goals I score" sad :(
Well, I changed the subject and we talked about her goal for goals and she firmly set the number to 7.....
Ella played GREAT! In the first half, she proudly scored 4 goals and didn't care that the other team was much taller, she was faster with better skills. The 2nd half came along and away she went.......1 then 2 then 3 more goals for a grand total of 7!!!!! That's my girl! She was so cute after scoring number 6 and looked over to us and yelled, "ONE MORE!"
She was excited to call her daddy and was so excited for him to tell all the girls what she had accomplished.
We then headed off to stop #2......Grammie and Papa's house to drop off Logan
Then off to stop #3......Pinkalicious at the Valley Youth Theater.....It was SOOOOO cute and Ella and all the girls LOVED it! Addy surprised Ella with a special box of 'pink' and they looked adorable!
We were all EXHAUSTED when we got home and luckily Ella was too tired for too many tears! The poor girl had such a hard time with daddy out of town, luckily he arrived back by lunchtime on Sunday....

1 comment:
poor girlie- I love that little girls miss their daddy's-it is so sweet, even if it's sad! She looks adorable in her "pink" outfit!
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